Easy7 - extended availability and more attractive price
"Unpack. Connect. Ready." for almost everyone in Switzerland - not just those with a fibre optic connection. At the same time, the price is reduced for new and existing customers.
"Unpack. Connect. Ready." for almost everyone in Switzerland - not just those with a fibre optic connection. At the same time, the price is reduced for new and existing customers.
Init7 wins gold in the BILANZ Telekom rating for the seventh time in a row!
The new website ftth.init7.net visualizes the progress of fibre-optic expansion on a daily basis.
Together with Zattoo, Init7 is launching a new independent bundle offer on the Swiss market.
Init7 launches Easy7, an Internet service for everybody who likes it simple. Plain internet without bells and whistles. Unpack, connect, ready.
Init7 is the first Internet provider to offer 10 Gbit or 25 Gbit connections on a dedicated fibre (P2P technology).
www.init7.netGo Winti!
New address: Technoparkstrasse 5, 8406 Winterthur
Source: www.synaxis.ch
The rabbits join us: Revision of logo, website and the entire corporate design. Fiber7.TV becomes TV7. The offers Copper7, Crossover7 and Hybrid7 are launched.
The merger creates the TV service Fiber7.TV.
With Fiber7, Init7 is revolutionising the Internet market. For the first time, residential customers can enjoy a symmetrical bandwidth of 1/1 Gbit/sec at a reasonable price.
New address: St. Georgenstrasse 70, 8400 Winterthur
Source: www.bwgeneralbau.ch
New address: Elias-Canetti-Strasse 7, 8050 Zurich
Source: de.foursquare.com
5 height units and 1 Mbit/sec bandwidth for only CHF 333.00 per month!
web.archive.org10 years later, the data centre is sold to green.ch.
And stiill supports the festival in 2021.
The start of a successful collaboration with the Zurich Apprenticeship Association (Zürcher Lehrbetriebsverband ZLI).
www.zli.chEntry of Init Seven AG in the Commercial Register with registered office in Zurich Oerlikon (Regensbergstrasse 242b, 8050 Zurich). No. of employees: 1 (Fredy Künzler)