
Status Info

Title:Service degradation: IPv6 DHCP servers
Duration:2018-03-17 08:00 - 2018-03-22 17:00
Severity (1-5):1
Status: Done

This weekend a few customers had problems with IPv6 due to an overload of the DHCPv6 servers which prevented them from answering all requests. For a short time no requests could be answered. Measures have been taken to defuse the situation. However, it cannot be ruled out that customers may continue to have problems in individual cases. An update on the situation will be released during Monday morning.

Update 2018-03-19 8:15 CET

We still have to assume that some customers do not get an IPv6 prefix. We are working at full speed on a solution.

Update 2018-03-19 14:00 CET

Further research has shown that this problem has been going on longer than expected. The problem has now been narrowed down and we are working on a solution. As this is a more complicated problem, the solution will take some time. We ask for patience. An update on the situation will be released on Tuesday.

Update 2018-03-20 16:08 CET

The situation has been stable since noon today. We are continuing to monitor the situation. Customers who still have problems with IPv6 are asked to restart the router. If the problem still persists, please contact us.
Update 2018-03-22 17:00 CET
IPv6 DHCP service continue to run smooth.
